Billboard Advertising in Butte-Bozeman, MT (Silver Bow and Gallatin Counties, MT)

In the historical cities of Butte, MT and Bozeman, MT (Silver Bow and Gallatin Counties, MT), billboards are particularly impactful in the landscape against old growth trees and green backdrops. Marketers use the billboards to drive their message to residents and visitors. On busy highways, static/print and digital/LED billboards reach their target audience with large images and text. On surface streets, Butte billboards cut through the clutter to make a successful connection with city residents.

Butte-Bozeman, MT Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 60 (estimated)
Major Roads I-15 and I-90
Attractions Tourist attractions
Population 156,344
DMA No. 190
Race White 91%
Black 1%
Hispanic 3%
Other 5%
Median Income $53,454
Median Age 43

Butte-Bozeman, MT Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $1,000-$3,500
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) TBD
Poster (Medium Billboard) $1,000-$1,500
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) TBD

Map of Butte-Bozeman Billboards

Zip Codes 59701 59703 59711 59743 59750 59754 59762 59702 597070 59727 59748 59751 59759 59715 59717 59718 59771 59772
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