Billboard Advertising in Delaware (DE)

Delware billboards are in demand in this state in the Northeast. Static billboards are common and digital are becoming more frequently used in Delaware. The billboards are frequently used by large and small companies - with national brands advertising packaged goods and cell phone service, for example, and smaller companies advertising retail businesses and storefronts.

Delaware (DE) Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 140 (estimated)
Major Roads I-95, US 9, US 13, US 40, and Delaware Route 1
Attractions Philadelphia International Airport; Delaware State University; Wilmington University; First State Monument
Population 967,171 (estimated)
Race White 61%
Black 20%
Hispanic 6%
Other 13%
Median Income $64,805
Median Age 41

Delaware (DE) Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

For more specific pricing, submit Get Free Quote form.

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,200
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $3,500
Poster (Medium Billboard) $950
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,850

Delaware (DE) Billboards Map

Zip Codes 19701 19702 19703 19706 19707 19708 19709 19710 19711 19713 19714 19715 19716 19717 19720 19730 19731 19732 19733 19734 19735 19736 19801 19802 19803 19804 19805 19806 19807 19808 19809 19810 19850 19880 19899
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