Billboard Advertising in Raleigh-Durham, NC in Wake County, NC

Every marketing plan needs to include billboards in the Raleigh-Durnam, NC area in Wake County, NC to succeed. This out of home advertising option produces impressions on a daily basis - from dawn until dusk and even later for those billboards that are illuminated or that are digital/LED.

Raleigh-Durham, NC Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 75 (estimated)
Major Roads I-540, I-440, State Highway 401, I-40.
Attractions North Carolina Museum of Natural History
Population 2,037,430 (estimated)
DMA No. 27
Race White 53%
Black 29%
Hispanic 11%
Other 7%
Median Income $39,248
Median Age 31

Raleigh-Durham, NC Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $3,900
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $4,200
Poster (Medium Billboard) $2,500
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $3,500

Map of Raleigh-Durham Billboards

Zip Codes 27513 27545 27560 27601 27602 27603 27604 27605 27606 27607 27608 27609 27610 27611 27612 27613 27614 27615 27616 27617 27619 27620 27621 27622 27624 27625 27626 27627 27628 27629 27634 27635 27636 27640 27650 27656 27658 27661 27668 27675 27676 27690 27695 27697 27698
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